SEEK Talent Search allows you to connect with candidates whose skills and experience match your live job ad, helping you find the right person for your role sooner.
Save time by seeing matched candidates
We'll show you a list of candidates that match each role you're hiring for, so you can start reaching out to people faster.
Access to unique CV data also ensures our algorithms match the most relevant candidates.
Easily access the information you need
View a candidate's SEEK Profile and CV so you can see key information such as career history and skills, helping you make confident decisions about who to connect with.
Send Job
25 credits
Send Message
50 credits
Access CV
200 credits
Use credits to connect with candidates
With every ad you place on SEEK, you receive 1,000 credits to use on Talent Search. You can use these credits to send a candidate your job ad, access candidate CVs, or send a message to a candidate of interest.
"As a recruiter, one of the biggest tools in my candidate sourcing arsenal is the SEEK database. This is a fantastic resource for my colleagues and I to search the resumes of candidates who are actively seeking work, as well as those who were looking in the past and might be ready for a change now."