Employsure +
Talent Search Connect

Employsure +
Talent Search Connect

Recruiting talent across Employsure’s broad workforce is a high volume game that requires creative thinking and a fresh approach.

To enhance their recruitment strategy, the company’s ANZ acquisition team uses SEEK Talent Search Connect: a proactive sourcing tool that helps consultants quickly search, find, and connect with candidates, from within their own recruitment software.

Success snapshot

Talent Search Connect helped consultants find talent in unexpected places within seconds.
Candidate responses increased as targeted phone conversations replaced mass emails.
A user-friendly experience improved efficiency and improved training of new consultants.
Employsure provides Workplace Relations and Work Health and Safety services for over 30,000 businesses throughout Australia and New Zealand.Recruiting talent across the company’s workforce is a substantial undertaking. ANZ Talent Acquisition Manager, Michele Muschter, leads a dedicated team of 15 consultants. Employsure offers suitable candidates on-the-job training for an entry level consultant position, with a view towards longer-term career progression at the company.Muschter’s team fill roles across a broad spectrum of departments, and one core area they continuously recruit for is Telesales: a high volume sector with a shrinking candidate pool. “As an indication of the current market, in NSW we had an average of 600 applications a year ago. Today it’s about 50 to 100, and that’s not necessarily relevant candidates with the right mindset,” says Muschter.To find the right candidates in such a challenging environment, Muschter’s team rely on a creative approach. “In the current market, it really is about finding and attracting candidates. You have to think outside the box to fill the roles,” she says.Often, this means looking for candidates outside the call centre sector and from unlikely sources – specifically, shift workers in hospitality, retail or construction who are interested in transitioning into a corporate career.Despite these opportunities, finding the right people can be a challenge. The team needs intuitive tools that drive efficiency and results. “We’ve trialled a couple of systems and they just weren’t great in terms of searches and workflow,” says Muschter.“What was really important for our team is how easy and self-explanatory a platform is. When a recruiter is very time-poor between interviews but still needs to fill the funnel at the top, introducing a new tool into their workflow can be a bit of an additional hurdle.”

The team can really focus on our core business – finding talent and reaching out – rather than trying to find the right searches or add things into the system.

Michele MunsterANZ Talent Acquisition Manager, Employsure