Hiring Advice Attracting candidates Job ad writing Attracting diverse talent: SEEK’s new te reo Māori capability
Attracting diverse talent: SEEK’s new te reo Māori capability
3 min read· Written by Melinda Jennings

Attracting diverse talent: SEEK’s new te reo Māori capability

Diversity and inclusion are top priorities for many New Zealand companies, and now, new technology is making it easier to put these values into action when hiring.

SEEK has launched a game-changing bilingual search capability that enables you to reach candidates in both English and te reo Māori through your job ads. Find out how this new bilingual capability can benefit your company, helping you attract a diverse pool of talent and strengthen your diversity and inclusion practices.

Bilingual search: English and te reo Māori

SEEK’s new bilingual search capability means job seekers can now search in English or te reo Māori. This is a first for New Zealand, and offers hirers the opportunity to use job ads to reach candidates searching with te reo Māori.

Meeral Gulabdas, Senior Customer Success Manager at SEEK, says this development is a significant milestone that goes far beyond just a “technological upgrade”.

“The introduction of bilingual search capability in the job market is a clear indication of SEEK’s commitment to respecting and embracing our local culture, which is in line with our overarching dedication to inclusivity,” she says.

“We play a unique role in the Aotearoa New Zealand job market to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates are a priority. The option to advertise roles in te reo Māori is a substantial step towards achieving this.”

How does it work?

Working hand in hand with Ōkupu, a Māori language consultancy, SEEK has ensured nuanced translation and inclusion of te reo Māori terms used by people searching for jobs. Over 99% of all keywords used to search for jobs on SEEK will deliver the same result whether they’re searched for using English or te reo Māori, which means more job ads will match a job seeker’s search terms.

How can this benefit your company?

1. Strengthen your inclusion and diversity practices

You can use SEEK’s new bilingual search capability to show your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. According to research for SEEK, 22% of Kiwis say they would leave a job because of lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In a competitive climate, your employee value proposition (EVP) should aim to attract, engage, and retain strong candidates. By including job ads in te reo Māori you can communicate with a more diverse range of talent and also take practical steps towards building a more inclusive culture and workforce.

Shay Peters, CEO at Robert Walters Recruitment Agency, says the importance of this cannot be overlooked.

“This new search functionality helps to support the needs and preferences of the Māori-speaking community,” he says.

2. Attract the best talent for the role

With this capability, you can reach a wider range of candidates and attract the best talent for the role.

Gulabdas says this provides an opportunity to break down language barriers in job searching.

“Te reo Māori speakers can navigate and explore more seamlessly, creating a more inclusive and user-friendly experience.”

On top of this, employers will benefit too, Peters explains.

“This will be particularly useful in industries and organisations that value te reo Māori proficiency, as it opens them up to candidates with more relevant skills.”

3. Be a part of a broader goal to support diversity and inclusion

SEEK’s bilingual search capability also provides another format in which to support Māori culture in the workplace.

Gulabdas says that this capability opens a space for cultural representation and expression in the job market.

“The inclusion of te reo Māori in job ads contribute to the normalisation of language and culture in professional settings. This supports the preservation of cultural heritage and encourages its active use in everyday life.

“It aligns with the broader goal of providing equal opportunities and empowers te reo Māori speakers to navigate the job market with confidence and cultural pride.”

Peters says the impact of this extends beyond the immediate benefit to te reo Māori speakers.

“The bilingual search functionality promotes inclusivity, cultural awareness, language learning, and diversity in the broader job-seeking market, contributing to a more culturally rich and linguistically diverse society in Aotearoa New Zealand.

“It supports te reo Māori-speaking job seekers by increasing their access to job opportunities, fostering cultural connection, and allowing them to contribute to language preservation and cultural diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand.”

So when you’re next ready to hire, SEEK’s new bilingual capability can help you find the best talent for your role, while demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Mā te wā!

Source: SEEK job search data, 1-13 August 2023

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